Achievements Comps
- 6th Place European Boulder Cup Klagenfurt 2021
- 6th Place German Boulder Championship 2021
- 7th Place German EYC Soure 2019
- 3rd Place German Speed Championships 2018
- 5th Place German Lead Championship Stuttgart 2016
Achievements Outdoors
- Sport climbing
- Quälgeist (8a+), Rottachberg
- Schlumpfparade (8a), Rottachberg
- Cicciosauro (8a), Padaro
- Boulder
- Jack the Chipper (7c), Magic Wood
about Mantle
Questions to Leonie
What do you usually do in your spare time?
90% of my spare time is dedicated to climbing: either in the gym, at comps and training camps or outdoors. If I am not busy with that, I enjoy to go swimming or skiing with friends.Give us a fun fact about you or a remarkable experience in your climbing career.
In my first Opens finals at a national comp I didn't only turn around before the start signal but due to my exictement I also started climbing straight away..What are your long term and/or short term goals?
My short term goal after my soulder surgery is to become super strong (this means to manage one pull-up but the winter is still long), and to have lots of fun at training. Longterm, I would like to focus completely on climbing after doing my A-Levels and participate at comps (World Cups and/ or EYC's) and to spend some more time outdoors exploring new places and areas. But one thing is for sure: No matter where I'll go, the Mantle Chalk will always be with me.