Leonie Lochner

„ I have been climbing and bouldering since I was a little child and until today my enthusiasm for this sport is huge. I like that there are such diverse movements and that you are always able to learn something new. Furthermore, you get to meet lots of new people either at comps or outdoors and there so many beautiful places you can travel to. “

Achievements Comps

  • 6th Place European Boulder Cup Klagenfurt 2021
  • 6th Place German Boulder Championship 2021
  • 7th Place German EYC Soure 2019
  • 3rd Place German Speed Championships 2018
  • 5th Place German Lead Championship Stuttgart 2016

Achievements Outdoors

  • Sport climbing
  • Quälgeist (8a+), Rottachberg
  • Schlumpfparade (8a), Rottachberg
  • Cicciosauro (8a), Padaro
  • Boulder
  • Jack the Chipper (7c), Magic Wood
More about Leonie at Digital Rock

about Mantle

„ The Mantle Chalk is always my loyal companion at comps and training and I would never use a differnent chalk because you only get the optimal grip with Mantle Chalk no matter if your hands are wet and sweaty or if you have terrible skin. And you get the feeling that you can hold onto anything. “

Questions to Leonie

What do you usually do in your spare time?

90% of my spare time is dedicated to climbing: either in the gym, at comps and training camps or outdoors. If I am not busy with that, I enjoy to go swimming or skiing with friends.

Give us a fun fact about you or a remarkable experience in your climbing career.

In my first Opens finals at a national comp I didn't only turn around before the start signal but due to my exictement I also started climbing straight away..

What are your long term and/or short term goals?

My short term goal after my soulder surgery is to become super strong (this means to manage one pull-up but the winter is still long), and to have lots of fun at training. Longterm, I would like to focus completely on climbing after doing my A-Levels and participate at comps (World Cups and/ or EYC's) and to spend some more time outdoors exploring new places and areas. But one thing is for sure: No matter where I'll go, the Mantle Chalk will always be with me.

Blogposts from Leonie

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