Friederike Petri

„ What I like so much about climbing is the variety of the different courses of movement and that every route or boulder has its own style which impossable to imitate. The sense of achievement when I have once again pushed further beyond the limits of my ability is also exhilarating. Every week I can look forward anew to the time I spend training with friends. “

Achievements Comps

  • 3rd Place German Boulder Cup Ispo
  • Bavarian Boulder Champion
  • Bavarian Youth Boulder Champion
  • German Youth Boulder Vice Champion

Achievements Outdoors

  • Sport climbing
  • Fragole (8a), Comano, Italy
  • Sex on the beach (7c+), Pleitelwandl, Germany
  • Erlkönig (7c) Pleitelwandl, Germany
  • Katz (7c), Kompanj, Croatia
  • Top Fight (7c), Luegsteinsee, Germany
  • Bouldering
  • Diamond Nuts (8a), Silvretta, Austria
  • Rhythmo (7c+), Magic Wood, Switzerland
  • Krieger des Lichts (7c+), Silvretta, Austria
  • Gold Rush (7c), Silvretta, Austria
  • Höhenzone (7c), Magic Wood, Switzerland
More about Friederike at Digital Rock

about Mantle

„ Thanks to the Mantle-Chalk I manage to hold onto the holds even with sweaty hands and regardless the temperature so that I don't fail due to slipping off. Since I have been using the Mantle-Chalk, the grip on flat holds and tiny grimps has improved a lot so that it is noticable in my climbing performance. “

Questions to Friederike

What do you usually do in your spare time?

You mean when I am not covered in chalk, hanging out in front of a boulder or letting my muscles burn in training? I think my spare times is made up of 90% bouldering, 5% thinking about what I could boulder next, 3% planning my next bouldering trip and 2% eating ice-cream. That sounds about right :)

Give us a fun fact about you or a remarkable experience in your climbing career.

There, my sticker action at the Opens German Bouldering Nationals 2014 in Friedrichshafen leaps to my mind. I bouldered in the pretty tough female finals and managed to get the top in the third boulder in the last minute which was already amazing enough. I have no idea how came up with this idea but due to some inner impulse, being able to deliver the audience a show, at the top I took the Boulderwelt-Sticker from my shirt and stuck it next to the top hold. It wasn't just my only top in finals but also the one which catapulted me on the podium right after Jule Wurm and Julia Winter. It may have not been the most mature action at a national comp and next time I surely won't get away with just a warning but in the very situation it was worth the show and all the talking that followed.

What are your long term and/or short term goals?

I'd like to explore as many bouldering areas as possible, get to know other bouldering addicts and to keep and push my bouldering limit as much as possible. Also to examine me and the sport from different perspectives over and over again, to overcome limits and to always get to know new aspacts of bouldering. I would like to share and spread my knowledge and passion of bouldering and the mentaltity related with it.

Blogposts from Friederike

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